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5 Common Myths About Weight (Fat) Loss And Building Lean Muscle
That might be keeping you fat, unhealthy and weak.

Approved Healthy Eating Food List
Including a step-by-step guide how to plan your meals.
Online Body Transformation Program

The Total BodyTransformation365 System 2.0
A comprehensive online coaching program that will not only teach you but also show you everything you need to know about naturally reshaping your body and restoring your health, fitness, energy and confidence.
Frequently Asked Questions
How quickly can I lose weight on your coaching programs?
If “weight” loss is your primary goal then the coaching programs will help you lose your excess fat while keeping your lean muscle. Every body responds differently and depending on how much you need to lose you can expect to lose anything between 0,5kg (1,1lbs) to 0,9kg (1,98lbs) of pure fat loss per week.
Am I going to have to buy a lot of expensive health food and supplements?
No. All the coaching programs focus on normal wholesome, healthy and nutritious food. No need for fancy and expensive health foods and tons of supplements to make the program work. That being said it is always a good idea to take a natural vitamin and mineral supplement regardless if you’re on this program or not. It also helps to meet your protein requirements with a good whey protein as a food supplement, but it is not a requirement.
Will your coaching programs cater for my specific needs?
Yes. Each person is unique and have unique circumstances. All the coaching programs focus on the universal principles of health, fitness, weight (fat) loss, gaining lean muscle or just maintaining what you have. So you can apply these universal principles to your unique requirements and circumstances to get the best results.
Why do you talk about a coaching program and not a weight loss program?
I have a very high focus on teaching you the skill set of health, fitness, losing your excess body fat or increasing your lean muscle so that you are empowered to use this information to make it a sustainable lifestyle going forward.
I have food intolerances. Will your coaching programs and courses work for me?
Yes. I do not follow a one size fit all approach. Everyone is catered for regardless of your food intolerances or medical status like diabetes for example. The food choices are vast and caters for everyone.
I cannot train at a gym. Is that OK?
Yes. You can train from home as well with the most basic of equipment. A bench and a few weights are all that is required.
When will I get access to your programs and courses?
Everything is 100% digital so you get immediate access as soon as you sign up.
Never use any part of the information on this website that is in contradiction to any medical, mental, health or fitness condition and food intolerances or allergies you may have. Always consult a health care professional if in doubt before starting a new training program or new eating plan.
The advice and information contained on this website may not be appropriate for all individuals. The information expressed on this website although based on sound scientific evidence that stood the test of time is my opinions and own experience and are not a replacement for professional medical, mental or health care.
Read more about me, my own personal transformation journey, my experience and formal qualifications by clicking the link below.
Blog Posts
The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss February 6, 2018
The Requirements Of A Balanced Diet And Why It Matters February 6, 2018
Solving The Mystery Of What A Healthy Lifestyle Is February 6, 2018